Apr 29, 2010

Eurotrip 2010

What an awesome time I have ahead. I am one week away from the start of the world cup series; the first International race of my season! To add to the excitement I will have my gorgeous wife touring with me. We start out in Vichy, France next weekend and then head off to Porto, Portugal for a mini training camp at Nelo's facilities and then its off to Szeged, Hungary for the second world cup. International racing is so intense, I can really feel the excitement building inside and almost find myself having to keep the emotions suppressed in the weeks leading up to the event. Its going to be extremely interesting to see how everyone has adapted to the new 200m Olympic distance, I think there are going to be some big guys coming out of the woodwork.
Cape town has had some incredible weather over the past two weeks. I have spent a lot of time exploring the great outdoors. Its was great to have Ant Stott come visit we did some cool stuff away from the water, the most exhilarating was definitely caving. We spent one of our free afternoons crawling through some seriously dark and scary places. It is something of a mind control exercise, its not so easy to remain calm when you slightly stuck in a washing machine size chamber, unable to move your arms and 200m into a mountain. Its moments like those that make you realize just how small we are and how awe inspiring the God of creation is.

1 comment:

  1. Don't make any critical errors! Sort it out Moontface!
